Essential Wellness's Blog

Clearing the Way

Diet/lifestyle change still going strong. It feels like it has been forever but it has only been a week and a half, go figure. Forever in a good way. Eating well is becoming even easier.  I am intrigued at how easy it has become and how much better that I feel, with energy. I even feel lighter, more healthy and less bogged down.

Raw life is easy. But, I have to prepare. Instead of rushing out the door I have to make choices, imagine that. But choices I can live with and deal with and most importantly be satisfied. I may eat from cans sometimes (which is not the greatest) but it is easy and convenient. Throwing a couple of cans in a bag, of peaches and a bag of sunflower kernels to top it off is a perfect breakfast or snack on the go.

Out with the old and in with the new. SO I realized my colon was a little backed up, filled with processed fillers that I once loved and enjoyed. And it dawned on me and my intestinal track that my wheat bread, and rice just might still be hanging around. Intestinal cleanse, we go.

I did it for a week, and I think that my colon walls echo now. With one tiny herbal pill, my bloating was gone and things came out of me that I couldn’t belive. Luckily, since my diet has continued, so has the movement of my bowels. In a world of constipated, irritable people. I was glad to clear the way ….P.S. I went from weighing 178 Ilbs to 154Ilbs in a weeks time….. Thanks Dr Roebuck !!

85/15 Rule…..80/20… or somewhere in between

80% Raw 20% Partially cooked, steamed, or somewhat heated

Still going strong with my raw food plan and if I prepare it stays simple straight to the point and reasonable. But yesterday I dashed out of the door, hoping to go to yoga but forgetting a network event I planned to attend. Miscombobulated I grabbed a piece of fruit and ran thinking to myself I would find a Panera salad midday. However, Panera seemed like in the middle of the sahara as patients began piling in on what be a pretty mellow day.

As my patient base increases so does the availability for raw healthy food, so I panicked. I was able to graze on some almonds that I had at my office, but there are only so many of those you can eat before it becomes unbearable. I ate a piece of fruit, which was fine but I tend to eat a lot of fruit as my breakfast.

So I had to order broccoli from the chinese restuarant, which I thought would be fine. Until it got there I realized it had been cooked. Silly me! But I was starving and I had patients coming in with no opportunity to leave or send anyone. (I can’t wait to hire an assistant) Regardless I resolved to the 85/15 rule or what some people partition the 80/20 rule. 80/85 percent raw and some cooked food. I usually have beans on my salad to fulfill my protein needs, but this day I had cooked broccolli and an amazing salad for dinner (with no beans).

A lot of people believe that when you go raw you go all raw and that may be true for some, but for most it is the largest percentage of their meal. Now I will warn that when most of your diet is raw, cooked food kind of tastes weird and can make you feel a little groggy.

I have been working on my energy levels as I have been detoxing and it has been difficult trying to adjust to the change in carbs. I used to feed of them for my energy and now I am utilizing beans and almonds as my source of energy, a completely different feeling. I am starting to feel lighter, just tired, not in mid day just in the AM. I took a break from yoga this week as I felt Monday was groggy. Trying to give my body some rest I am kicking it down a notch especially since we will be non stop this weekend at the Steel Pier Surf and Art Expo,, this weekend giving non stop massages and adjustments.

Taking it easy is the name of the game and Dr. Roebuck says it is a marathon not a sprint, which I believe is a true ratio for success!

Tortilla Chip Dreams and Moon Beams

A couple more days down, and I am now dreaming about processed foods. Tortilla chips, bagged foods, boxed foods it is almost haunting. Luckily even in my dream I ate peanuts instead of indulging after a brief moment of thinking this bag of chips must grow somewhere naturally. Justification, I suppose.Addiction, I am sure of it.

It’s easier during the day, but harder at night as that is when I did most of my snacking. Somehow I am curtailing it. Fruit helps. I even have found I don’t have to curtail my eating out, I just have to dumb down almost every dish. I didn’t realize how much food we consume is extra processed. Wontons with chicken, cheese, and sour cream It almost makes me ill thinking about it.

Nonetheless, I am perservering and have found amazing support from all of my friends, which makes it easier. I have so many people around me who are pursuing health themselves and so we can motivate and inspire one another. ON another note, I have opted for all online grocery store shopping as I feel the temptation is too great. Even though I feel good, I don’t want to give myself any room to rationalize or experience motivation from the grocery store pusher man, 3 dollars for this or 2 for 4 here. I feel I have more control online, plus it takes twenty minutes versus an hour or more. Maybe I am lazy, decreased energy is a sign of sickness.

I am feeling a little better but still bogged down, like I am carrying a brick in my torso. I am sleeping more and have less gas, which is nice. I will check back in a few days and we shall see how I am progressing. IN the meantime, I will dream about this raw chocolate cake recipe I found, which I have decided will be my 30 day treat to myself. Maybe I will have a party !! Until then ~miss e

90 Days to Health: A Raw Approach

So, I have been feeling terrible lately. Sluggish, tired, irritable, and otherwise sick feeling has been my existence for the last few months. I attributed my feelings to the rigorous schedule that I have hammered on myself, but there must be a different answer. So I went to my doctor (my natural doctor) and had a nutritional test.

Through non-invasive muscle testing Dr. Roebuck discovered I had chemicals and metals inhabiting my system, which attributed to my overtaxed feeling. She also tested my food allergies wheat (I love bread), Soy (that had become a staple in my diet), and many grains was also attributing to my sick, bloated, swollen feeling. I had to make a change. I can’t stay sick and I can’t live this way, irritable and otherwise intolerant.

She advised me the best “diet” for me was raw foods, and I noticed many signs leading that way (I met a raw food chef this week, a random raw food tweet from someone, and other signs along the way- if you pay attention). But, I like my cooked food I thought and moved on. Now it was staring me in the face, raw food, no options, no mercy.

I weighed my options feel sick and stay attached to my cooked diet producing much of the same in my body or transcend my existence converting to raw foodism which could bring me increased health on all levels. Tough choice.

So yesterday was my first raw day and I have admit it was not bad. I ate a fruit green smoothie, a nice salad, and had another salad for dinner. No worries, I didn’t feel hungry or deprived and every time I felt the urge to snack on popcorn or something processed I drank some water. After several trips to the bathroom I surmised that I was on track to better health.

Stay tuned to find out more, watch my retests with Dr. Roebuck, and raw recipes!

Mother’s Day Gift
April 27, 2010, 7:15 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Mother’s Day Gift

Ideas from Essential Wellness

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‘Essential Wellness Health Tip of the Week !’

Health Tip of the Week
“Baby Steps”
So you have finally done it! You have decided to improve on your health, bought all organic food, stopped smoking, starting drinking a gallon of water a day, and are now heading to your spin class that has become a 5 day routine. But then you drive by a dunkin donuts and your inclination is to blow off spin and get a bakers dozen. The heratic within you is calling but the more sensible health nut continues to drive to spin. What do you do? Relax, gradual steps are required to build health. This is the difference between a fad that will quickly fade and a lifestyle choice that will stay with you for life. Take it slowly and prioritize your health goals once you have completed one move on to the next, but don’t skip ahead until you are firmly rooted in your goal.

Small Steps to Better Health

‘Essential Wellness Health Tip of the Week !’.

‘Essential Wellness Health Tip of the Week !’

‘Essential Wellness Health Tip of the Week !’.

Health Tip of the Week
Find your Seat Sitting believe it or not is healthy for you. Have you ever thought about how you sit? Are you slumped off to the side? Are you sitting on the edge of your chair? How are you sitting? Check into that. I see several cases of people who are sitting improperly for many hours in the day as a result of improper sitting, pain and discomfort may develop. When you’re sitting engage your core, button your belly button to your spine, relax your shoulders, now hold the chair up, evenly sitting on your tush. Now relax, you are now on your way to preventing low back strain…

Health Tip of the Week: The Breath
February 27, 2010, 7:14 pm
Filed under: 1

Health Tip of the Week
Take a Breath “How many times do you breathe deeply? Try and make a practice of breathing from your abdomen consciously. Have fun with it! Breathe as you open the door, breathe when you close the door, breathe when you are stopped at a red light. The key is to just breathe, don’t judge whether it is right or wrong just keep doing it, but try it from your belly. If you get stuck put a CD case on your belly and make sure it rises and falls, once it does your connecting with your belly breathing. Now you’re on your way to be a phenomenal belly breather! Namaste!

for more breath work

I found this amazing retreat center in N.C.

What is the difference between a spa and a wellness center?

I get this all the time. A patient calls and asks what services we off I answer and they respond puzzled. Are you a spa? No I reply I own a wellness center. More confusion and then an okay hopefully immediatly following a scheduled appointment. After getting this similar response I felt inspired to clarify, I DO NOT OWN A SPA.

In fact, spa is just as much as a dirty word as a masseuse, which I also am not. So, what is the difference let’s break it down.

A spa is relaxation based, a wellness center is treatment based.A spa you go regularly to relax, a wellness center you go regularly to seek treatment, advice, maintain health, and stay motivated.A spa has lots of spa like services, like facials, pedicures, etc. A wellness center has focused treatments, mine focuses on kinesthetic or muscle movement with a comprehensive approach.A spa is a luxury, a wellness center is a necessity.Spas perform pampering services, wellness centers perform health services.Spas can be pricey, wellness centers tend to be more affordable.Spas are all cash based, wellness centers are a mix of cash, insurance, and payment plan based.

I know it may be confusing, and some of it is semantics. Essential Wellness is NOT a spa, Essential Wellness is a wellness center, it is right there in the name otherwise it would be Esssential Spa. Some places even use them together, spa & wellness center and until I add hair, nails, and the whole gamut I will remain a Wellness Center. It is like calling an Emergency Room and an Urgent Care the same, they have similar ideas but their modes of deliver waver.

Enjoy the spa, but keep it in perspective, it feels good and even is good for you, but your not going to go regularly and consistently.

That is not what they are there for, perfect for bridal parties, special occasions, and more. Wellness centers are more at the meat of the problem, almost like a mechanic shop, fix the vehicle when it breaks down, prevent it from breaking down, and learn about how not to break down. Except we work on the body, your OTHER vehicle !! So get a tune up!!

Launching the Health Tip of the Week

Holistic Healthcare in Virginia Beach, Va

This week I will be launching a new project inspired by my friend, Cara Mandart. Check out her blog at In our conversation I realized that not everyone scrutinizes health labels, feverishly practices yoga, and thinks about everything I put on, in, or dispel from my body. ON the contrary most people believe they are doing a good job if they drink a diet coke versus a regular. Tisk, Tisk.

Am I professing my superior health 100 percent of the time, No, God bless veggie burgers. But, I am saying that I am infatuated and even borderline neurotic about my desire to achieve natural health. So, I figured, why not share my passion for natural health with others. Why not even take it a step further and email a one line advice tip to keep everyone motivated. When stress hits, emotions stir, frustration launches, and belts expand it is nice to see what we should be doing to keep ourselves sane.

Please share these tips with your friends, tell me I am insane, tell me I am genius (thank you, I know), just never tell me that I did not try to show you the way. As I tell my patients, it is baby steps, progress not perfection. Progress with me or sit on the sidelines and think about it. Whichever you prefer don’t miss out on my health tips of the week. Sign up to be delivered via email at !

 A Minute of Greatitude!

It’s amazing what a minute can do. I encourage everyone to take just a minute a think about what they are grateful for in life. Whether it is your kids, spouse, job, home, or pets everyone has something they can cherish even if it is simply the eyes that you have with the ability to read. This continually rediscover of the positive will help inspire more positive, “grateful” moments into your life without any resistance. In just one minute a day you have the power to dramatically alter your health by being grateful you are still alive.